Laferté sur Amance (F) CACIL 2015 april the 4th.
Saturday, april the 4th, the Keep on Running family braved the freezing temperatures, the wind and most of all the rain for a little camp in Haute-Marne (Champagne-Ardennes) where a CACIL coursing took place for the Easter week-end. Dixie, Gwendolyn and Honey had to show a great deal of courage to get out of the … Continue reading
Show-performance challenge in Allier
On saturday the 14th. of march 2015 the Marcillat en Combraille coursing took place, coupled with the international dog show of Montluçon on the 15th. of march 2015. Four whippets of the Keep on Running Family were running at this Coursing. Gwendolyn made the best of it finishing 3rd. on 17 female whippets. For the … Continue reading
Gwendolyn’s 2nd CACIL
After having won the CACIL of Barlin on 2014 June the 14th, Gwendolyn did it again and won the one of Laferté sur Amance on 2014 october the 3rd. This time again, she was best whippet of the day and furthermore, best dog of the day with the highest score. As she ran at Amermont … Continue reading
Vacances en Bretagne, jour 7 : PVL
Ce matin, il a fallu se lever tôt pour se préparer à la PVL, le soleil se levait sur l’hippodrome de Morlaix. J’ai pris une photo que je voulais appeler “Impression soleil levant”, mais il paraît que ce nom est déjà pris… Bayou s’est bien amusé (il est reparti les 2 fois avec son leurre dans … Continue reading
Vacances en Bretagne, jour 5 : PVL spéciale
Pour une fois, un article sans photo puisque je mettais les whippets au départ. La troupe complète en “état de marche” était inscrite. Bayou a fait un peu n’importe quoi le matin mais une très belle course l’après-midi, il finit 11ème excellent sur 14 partants avec 38 points sur 53 possibles. Chez les filles, Gwen termine … Continue reading