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Monthly Archives: Tuesday January 22nd, 2013

a dog’s life

Already some news from Harley Hello ! I had a very good night on a new bed and quite all the time between my owners ! But this morning, I’m playing in MY own bed ! Have a good day Harley with my Crocolandish toy and blanket Do you think I have enough toys ? … Continue reading »

Categories: Harley, whippets | Leave a comment

Let it snow

After that Harley leaved, the little ones went playing in the back yard Where is the little pest ? Ah here she is ! Harley didn’t need to go so far away to find snow, did he ? kangaroo Gwendolyn the hunter eye and the prey that doesn’t suspect anything the attack hide and seek … Continue reading »

Categories: Gwendolyn, Honey, whippets | Leave a comment

Let’s go toward new adventures

Harley has gone with his new family yesterday. It was a long trip but a comfortable one set just against his new “mother” (and with a car safety harness to prevent any risk of accident) last cuddle with his sister, huddled together against the heater and the journey began He’s been very quiet during the … Continue reading »

Categories: Harley, whippets | 2 Comments

Harley for her future “mother”

At least little Harley, by the way of the good fairy, his godmother, has found a family. Some pictures for his new “mother” Baby is tired after a day spent chasing each other with his sister and cousin Gwendolyn, the “little ones gang” Stop with your camera, it’s time to sleep now

Categories: Harley, whippets | 3 Comments

On the stage

All began with a kiss Honey a kiss “with the teeth” Yep, here we are ! Little funny face one more time…   Great feelings…

Categories: Gwendolyn, Harley, Honey, photos, whippets | Leave a comment